Saturday 31 March 2007

Just been in to town and can confirm that Waterstones Worthing have some more copies. The branch in Chichester have also promised to stock a few so its good that the quality of the story is being recognised. I have just donated a copy to the Worthing main library too.
Finally may I just draw your attention to a comment from my last post. Here is an extract from it -
It really was a great read. Lately Ive had 3 or 4 books on the go which I've left unfinished but this one was completed in a few days! HIGHLY reccomended.John, Ireland

See the full comment on the previous posting.

Bill is very pleased when he receives such reviews and said this morning that to him knowing his book is being read and enjoyed is much more reward than any profit he may make from it. So keep the comments coming - good or bad!

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Just an update on how book sales are going. The book is now on sale at Waterstones and Methvens bookshops in Bill's local town of Worthing. Waterstones have now sold out of their initial stock and awaiting a further order. Methvens have sold a few too so I'm glad to say that its going quite well. EBay is also a good outlet and usually sells when I list it. A recent buyer asked for a dedication which I thought was so lovely I'm sure he wont mind me repeating it here. Bill wrote on the book for him - To Kevin, "for your tomorrow I gave my today"

Bill has also written to that other famous Bill Bailey the comedian in the hope he may introduce the book somewhere on his website!

Bill himself isnt too bad at the moment and gettting to grips with the delights that his new Virgin media plus box has given him!

Anyway thats all for now - hope any new buyers have enjoyed the book and please post your comments here.